Documentary Sources
J, or the Yahwistic document was written in the Kingdom of Judah (the South) in the 10th century B.C.E and forms the base of most of the narrative of Genesis and Exodus, and parts of Numbers. J's literary composition is considered particularly eloquent. J's god, YHWH, is depicted as a very human character. It's almost as if he were plucked from a Greek myth, and told to fend for himself.
A second layer in the book of Deutreonomy - responsible for the hortatory prevalent in the first chapters of the book regarding the importance of the law.
RD2 is a redactional expansion of this source.
The redactional combination of the J and E sources, likely in the middle of the 8th century B.C.E.
Later redactional additions from unknown time periods.
Texts of unknown origin.
The redactor who combined the J and E documents together with the Priestly document (and the Book of Deuteronomy).
Sinai traditions found in the book of Deuteronomy, not necessarily connected to mainstream Deuteronomistic traditions.
Introductions to the legal code embedded in the narrative and hortatory sections of Deuteronomy.
E, or the Elohistic document was written in the Kingdom of Israel (the North) in the 9th century B.C.E Only fragments of this document made it into the Five Books of Moses which present a narrative parallel to J's  better preserved account. The most prominent feature of this document is the revelation of God in dreams and its central theological tenet is fear of God.
P, or the Priestly document - was composed during the exile (mid sixth century B.C.E) by priests from the house of Aaron. This document is largely concerned with cultic issues related to priests such as sacrifice and tithes. P’s narrative account concentrates on genealogical lists and stations.
RP - is a redactional expansion of this source.

D, or the Deuteronomic document - was written in the Kingdom of Judah sometime around the late 7th century B.C.E and helped introduce major cultic reform including the centralization of worship in Jerusalem. In the Pentateuch it is found exclusively in the book of Deuteronomy, but forms a redactional layer in the subsequent prophetic books as well. D recapitulates the Exodus account, with particular emphasis upon the Sinai narratives.
RD1 - is a redactional expansion of this source.